Number To Roman

Convert Decimal Number to Roman Numeral:

How to use this number to roman converter?

  1. Enter Decimal Number: Locate the input field labeled “Enter number” and type in the decimal number you wish to convert.
  2. Convert: Click the “Convert to Roman” button (with the arrow icon) to initiate the conversion.
  3. View Result: The Roman numeral equivalent will appear below the input field.
  4. Copy to Clipboard: Click the “Copy” button to copy the Roman numeral to your clipboard.
  5. Success Indicator: A green “Copied!” message will briefly appear next to the button, indicating the text has been copied.
  6. Reset (Optional): Click “Reset” button to clear both the input field and the output, as well as any error messages.

Practical applications of roman numbers

Traditional and Formal Usage

  • Clock Faces: Roman numerals are often used on clock faces, especially those that are styled traditionally.
  • Legal Documents: They are sometimes used in the numbering of prefaces or introductions of legal documents and books.
  • Monuments and Public Buildings: Dates on monuments, cornerstone laying ceremonies, and public buildings often use Roman numerals to signify the year of construction.
  • Name Suffixes: Roman numerals are used as suffixes for people who share the same name across generations, like King Louis XIV.
  • Copyright Dates: Roman numerals are sometimes used in the copyrights of books, movies, and other works to obscure the year of publication or creation.

Entertainment and Media

  • Movie Sequels: Some movie franchises like “Rocky” use Roman numerals to denote the different sequels.
  • Super Bowl: The NFL uses Roman numerals to denote each Super Bowl instead of using numbers.
  • Book Series: Volumes or chapters in book series are sometimes labeled with Roman numerals.

Academic and Scientific Context

  • Outlining: Roman numerals are often used in the outlines of reports, studies, or articles.
  • Astronomy: Some older texts in astronomy use Roman numerals to denote planetary and lunar features.

Religious Context

  • Biblical Chapters: Roman numerals are used to number the chapters in some editions of the Bible.
  • Papal Names: When a new pope is elected and takes on a name that has been used before, a Roman numeral is used to indicate the succession. For example, Pope John Paul II.


  • Photography: Aperture sizes in photography are sometimes designated with Roman numerals.
  • Musical Analysis: They are used to denote the chords in harmonic analysis.
  • Tattoos: Roman numerals are popular in tattoos, especially for denoting significant dates or times.
  • Jewellery and Awards: Roman numerals are often engraved on rings, pendants, and awards to denote specific years or achievements.

Even though we don’t see Roman numerals around us as much as the numbers we’re used to, they still have their special roles and places where they excel.

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